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Alexander the Great (356-323BC)

King's name: Alexander the Great or Alexander III of Macedon

Birth place: Pella (ancient captial), Macedonia

Parents: Philip II of Macedon (father), Olympias (mother)

Educated by: Aristole (philosopher)


Alexander received his earliest education under the tutelage of Leonidas who taught Alexander math, horsemanship and archery. At a young age, Alexander mastered basic mathematics which was one of the major contributing factors that eventually led to his success in greater things in his life later on. In 343BC, Alexander was tutored by Aristole who taught him philosophy, poetry, drama, science and politics. He took over the powerful kingdom of Macedon at age 20, when Philip was assassinated in 336BC. By using Mathematics to make strategic calculations, he unified all the states in Greece and then set out to conquer the massive Persian Empire.


He led his army to victories across the Persian territories of Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt without suffering a single defeat. His greatest victory was at the Battle of Gaugamela, in what is now northern Iraq, in 331 BC. The young king of Macedonia, leader of the Greeks, Lord of Asia Minor and pharaoh of Egypt became 'great king' of Persia at the age of 25.


Over the next eight years, as king, commander, politician, scholar and explorer, Alexander led his army a further 11,000 miles, founding over 70 cities and creating an empire that stretched across three continents and covered around two million square miles. The entire area from Greece in the west, north to the Danube, south into Egypt and as far to the east as the Indian Punjab, was linked together in a vast international network of trade and commerce. This was united by a common Greek language and culture, while the king himself adopted foreign customs in order to rule his millions of ethnically diverse subjects.


Alexander was acknowledged as a military genius who always led by example. The fact that his army only refused to follow him once in 13 years of a reign during which there was constant fighting, indicates the loyalty he inspired. Despite dying at the age of 32 years old, he created a Hellenistic culture and left a great impact in the world till current century. His legacy lives on forever.


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